Interactive API Documentation
If you have been assigned an API Key, you can test Fandango's API services here. You can also view written documentation for information on methods available via the Fandango API and definitions of the output associated with each.
For details about the response elements, please see the specific API section page below:
Be sure to check out the sample code as well for examples of calling the API from your application code.
- Select an Interactive Documentation
- Backstage API
- backstage ssl
- Dataviz - Pulse
- Fandango API
- Fandango Discovery
- Fandango Ticketing
- Fandango Ticketing API
- Offers API
- Returns API
The Fandango API allows its partners to access Fandango's theater and customer data.
The Fandango API allows its partners to access Fandango's theater and customer data.
backstage v1
backstage ssl
dataviz v1
Theater Methods
Movie Methods
Showtime Methods
Editorial Methods
City Search Method
Video Lookup Method
Content Search Method
autocomplete v2
geolocation v2 countries states cities
geolocation v2 countries postalcodes
movies v2
movies v2 display-dates
movies v2 showtime-groupings
showtimes v2
theaters v2
theaters v2 display-dates
theaters v2 showtime-groupings
Ticketing Methods
backstage ssl
reason-codes v1
transactions v1 refund
transactions v1